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Prof. Johan Akerman from University of Gothenburg ( Sweden) visited LNT on January 4th, 2012 |

Prof. Johan Akerman from University of Gothenburg ( Sweden) visited LNT on January 4th, 2012
Admissions Notice 2012 Master Program - Nanomaterials and Nanodevices
(18-09-2012) |
Hội nghị Vật lý chất rắn và Khoa học Vật liệu Toàn quốc lần thứ7 (SPMS-2011)
(18-09-2012) |
The delegation from Roskilde University, Denmark visited LNT on 14th March 2011
(18-09-2012) |
Dr. Sandrine MAXIMILIEN from INSA de LYON UNIVERSITE de LYON, France visited LNT and discussed about French internship student program on 11th March 2011
(18-09-2012) |
The researchers from University of Technology of Compiègne visited LNT on 16th February, 2011
(18-09-2012) |
Dr Nguyen Hong Quang, Norut - Northern Research Institute Norway visited LNT on 18th January, 2011 to discuss about the agreement in Solar cell project
(18-09-2012) |
The delegation from University of Minnessota, United States visited LNT on 11th January, 2011
(18-09-2012) |
VNUHCM-UCLA Joint Symposium
(18-09-2012) |
The delegation from Bayer (South East Asia) Pte Ltd visit LNT on November 29th, 2010
(18-09-2012) |
Dr. Lionel Vayssieres from the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan visited LNT on 17th November, 2010
(29-05-2012) |
Contact the INT |
028 37 2468 23 /32
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Fax: 028 3724 2163
Email: int@vnuhcm.edu.vn
Mailing address: Community
6, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City
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